ERP and the Olympics: Can you see the similarities?

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As the International Basketball Association cheered on teams from around the world at this year's Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, we couldn't help but notice the similarities between the sport they were playing and the challenges of enterprise resource planning.

Maybe we watch too much TV and we're just watching something. Or maybe, there's a reason. You're the judge. Here are seven sports that remind us of ERP in some way:
Being successful in business requires precision and precision.
Accuracy and precision, while sometimes used interchangeably, mean different things. A precision archer can hit the bull's eye, while a precision archer hits the same mark over and over again, even though it may not be the target he or she expects.
To be successful in business requires a combination of two talents. After all, it's important not only to make the right decisions every once in a while or to make consistently average decisions, but to develop a support system that allows leaders to collect high-value data-driven intelligence as consistently as possible. ERP empowers decision-makers with the vision to visualize goals from miles away, cut through white noise, and find the best solutions day in and day out.
All business can be broken down into a simple back-and-forth: supply and demand. Smarter ERP allows users to track customer purchase data with greater transparency to inform people across all departments. That way, you're always ready for the next set and never jump into the sand just to return a ball.
While internal management can keep a business running, the winds of change in the market can pick up at any time and send their schooner to the rocks. Clearer data visibility through ERP integration provides greater insight into volatile logistics elements that can affect efficiency, such as complex supply chains or fluctuating customer demand.
Whatever the risk, it's not enough to step on water. When the weather gets choppy, businesses trust advanced ERP platforms to help guide them into safe waters.
Flexibility is important in sports like gymnastics and business, as is landing on your feet after a tricky move. Comprehensive ERP gives companies a top-down view of their entire cross-functional network, from sales to inventory to supply sourcing, so when a leap of faith is needed, their business always gets a perfect 10.
With the right processes and interoperability, companies can move the needle. However, brute force without a strategy can strain your organization. As organizations scale and build their "business clusters" to tackle bigger challenges, they will need operational data to think about new ways to achieve their next feats of strength. ERP can act as a weight lifter's belt, reducing stress on departments that carry a lot of weight through the power of process optimization.
In principle, judo and other martial arts revolve around exploiting an opponent's weaknesses and using power in a calculated way, even when fighting a larger, stronger opponent. Similarly, advanced ERP software enables SMBS to compete with larger competitors in their markets by supporting actionable data management strategies.
Brute force without a strategy will strain your organization.
Synchronized swimming
Integrating advanced ERP software into your operations, and coordination across different departments is probably the most important benefit. Most abas customers turn to us to unify a disconnected ERP-like system made up of uncooperative third-party software.
Just like in synchronized swimming, a skater's uncoordinated step - or stroke, as the case may be - can create dissonance that affects the performance of the rest of the team. The same is true for different departments within a given business. But when every employee collaborates on a centralized ERP network, the entire organization keeps pace.
